And supplying gentle, controlled action, Accuride soft-close cabinet athletes add considerable strength and security, making all of them well suited for heavy duty (up to 100kg) and large drawer (up to 1000mm) storage and accessibility.
Our variety of runners enables manufacturers to add soft-close alongside user-friendly functions throughout the residence and workplace, and include:
a mild hit in the drawer front side releases the cabinet and propels it outward, eliminating the need for knobs or manages.
Returns drawers to the shut place, maximising room inside surrounding environment.
Two way vacation
Allows access from both edges of the application.
Pouch home slides
Progressively familiar with conceal kitchen areas in studio flats, but could also be installed as a drop down home for media centers.
Either mechanical or motorized, they can be used for TV or computer screens, and also to store items such as kitchen utensils, which rise from work-surfaces.